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Bibliography of Works of Edgar Wallace

Title Year US Publ US Reprint UK Publ
Admirable Carfew, The 1914
Adventures of Heine, The 1929
Angel of Terror, The aka The Destroying Angel 1922
Avenger, The
Barbara on Her Own 1926
Big Foot 1927
Black Abbot, The 1926
Blue-Hand 1927
Bones in London
Book of All Power, The 1923
Bosambo of the Jungle 1914
Brigand, The 1928
Captains of Souls 1923
Cheaters, The  
Clever One, The 1928
Clue of the New Pin 1923
Clue of the Silver Key, The     aka The Silver Key 1930
Clue of the Twisted Candle, The 1918
Coat of Arms, The    aka The Arranways Mystery 1931
Council of Justice
Crimson Circle, The 1922
CS#1 Sanders of the River (Commissioner Sanders) 1911
CS#2 The People of the River 1912
CS#3 The River of Stars 1913
CS#4 Bosambo of the River 1914
CS#5 Sandi The Kingmaker 1922
CS#6 Sanders  aka Mr. Commissioner Sanders 1926
Daffodil Mystery, The  aka The Daffodil Murder 1920
Dark Eyes of London, The 1929
Daughters of the Night, The 1925
Day of Uniting, The 1930
Death Packs a Suitcase 1961
Debt Discharged, A 1926
Devil Man, The 1931
Door with Seven Locks, The 1926
Double Dan aka Diana of Kara-Kara 1924
Double, The 1928
Down Under Donovan 1930
Duke in the Suburbs, The 1909
Eves Island 1909
Face in the Night, The 1924
Feathered Serpent, The 1930
Fellowship of the Frog, The 1925
FJ#1 The Four Just Men 1905
FJ#2 The Council of Justice 1908
FJ#3 The Law of the Four Just Men aka Again the Three Just Men 1921
Flat 2 1927
Flying Squad, The 1929
For Information Received 1929
Forger, The 1927
Four Square Jane 1929
Fourth Plague, The 1913
Frightened Lady, The 1932
Ghost of Down Hill, The 1929
Ghost of Downhill  
Golden Hades, The 1929
Good Evans aka The Educated Man 1926
Green Archer, The 1926
Green Ribbon, The 1929
Green Rust, The 1919
Gunner, The 1928
Hairy Arm, The     aka The Avenger 1925
Hand of Power, The 1930
India Rubber Men, The: Inspector John Wade 1929
Iron Grip, The 1929
Jack o'Judgment 1920
John Flack 1930
Joker, The  aka The Colossus 1926
Just Men of Cordova, The 1917
Kate Plus 10 1919
Keepers of the King's Peace, The 1930
King By Night, A 1928
Law of the Four Just Men, The
Lone House Mystery, The 1929
LT#1 Bones (Lt Bones) 1915
LT#2 Bones in London 1921
LT#3  Bones of the River 1923
Man at the Carlton, The 1931
Man from Morocco, The 1926
Man Who Bought London, The 1915
Man Who Knew, The 1919
Man Who Was Nobody, The 1927
Mind of Mr J G Reeder, The 1925
Missing Million, The 1923
Mission That Failed, The 1898
Mixer, The 1927
More Educated Evans 1926
Mr J. G. Reeder Returns 1932
Mr Justice Maxwell 1927
Nine Bears, The 1910
Northing Tramp, The 1926
On the Spot: Violence and Murder in Chicago 1931
Planetoid 127 1929
Queen of Sheba's Belt, The 1929
Red Aces 1932
Ringer Returns, The 1931
Ringer, The: The Gaunt Stranger 1928
Road to London, The 1986
Room 13 1924
Secret House, The 1917
Sergeant Sir Peter  aka Sergeant Dunn, CID 1932
Silinski - Master Criminal: Detective T.B.Smith 1930
Silver Key, The 1930
Sinister Man, The 1924
Square Emerald, The  aka The Girl from Scotland Yard 1926
Squeaker, The  aka The Squealer 1927
Squealer, The: London's Underworld of Crime 1946
Strange Countess, The 1925
Terrible People, The 1928
Terror Keep 1927
Thief in the Night, The 1930
Three Just Men, The 1929
Three Oak Mystery, The 1924
Traitor's Gate, The 1927
Unofficial Despatches 1901
Valley of Ghosts, The 1922
When the Gangs Came to London 1932
White Face 1931
Writ in Barracks 1900
Yellow Snake, The 1926




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Last Revision May 20, 2006 02:27 AM